Monday, September 7, 2009

5 Simple Tips to Drive traffic to your Blog

There are thousands of articles available on the internet on this topic on various sites and each of them redirects you to other links to read articles and other stuff on SEO optimization etc. Based on my personal experience here are the 5 simple ways to drive traffic to your website/blog.

  • Incoming Links: Let the search engine recognize your site. The idea is to make the search engine crawler find your site in some way. Leave your links on other popular sites. Let the traffic come to your site via popular sites.If the crawler finds the URL of your site while crawling a website, it will come to your site. More popular the site is, more relevant your site/blog becomes to the crawler. More the number of sources, more popular your site will become.
  • Outgoing links: Have links to external world on your site. Crawler will decrease your ranking if it finds a dead end at your site. Make the user explore other sites as well by introducing external links.
  • Appropriate/Freshness of Content:
              a) URL name should be unique.
              b) Provide a lot of metadata to the blog.
              c) Provide category to the blog.
              d) Use the keyword that you expect the user to search on net, at many places in your blog like Title, body, headings, category etc.
              e) Have interesting contents on your site to generate interest in people.

             Read my article 10 Tips to Write Effective Articles on Blog.
  • Images : If you intend to put images, don't forget to provide alternate text for images.
  • Exchange Links: Network with other bloggers to exchange links with each other to drive traffic on your blog. Networking really helps.
Don't be disheartened if you don't find traffic to your site initially. Making a site popular is not an easy task. It requires regular involvement and takes around 6-12 months to actually get the desired traffic on your site.So, have patience.

Just follow these 5 simple tips religiously and you will see increased traffic on your site.


  1. I heard that having links to other blogs on your blog actually decreases your Google ranking.

  2. I agree with the views on this article. I really managed to get more traffic after exchanging links with other bloggers.

    I dont know how much truth is in Mousie Cat's view.

  3. Nice post. Thanks for sharing.
    Please correct the spelling mistakes.

  4. Very helpful, thankyou

  5. One very useful link to drive traffic to your site :

    Hope it helps all.

  6. I think the fact that I'm posting a response proves your point well.

    I found your link in our shared group on LinkedIn, followed it and read your piece.

    That's the way to do it.


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